Laurelen MullerComment

Fishers, IN

Laurelen MullerComment
Fishers, IN

Even just five years ago, Fishers, IN was nothing to write home about. It was your typical, midwestern suburb (yes, with an amazing Super Target, but still. #typical). Over the past few years, we've been beyond amazed with how hard they are working to make the community more tight-knit and trendy. They are building/have built countless new apartment/retail buildings, businesses, restaurants, and an all-new amphitheater. 


This new area of Fishers that is growing at such a high-speed rate is called the Nickel Plate District. It's named after The Nickel Plate, a long-standing local restaurant right by the railroad tracks in this area. Amongst all of the new construction, there are a few businesses that have been there as long as I can remember. 


One of the greatest, most amazing, most fabulous ice cream places you will ever go to in your entire life is Handel's Ice Cream. I can usually control my ice cream cravings just about anywhere else besides Handel's; it is just that good. It's churned fresh in-house, and the taste and texture are like homemade ice cream. I have yet to taste any ice cream in the world that I love as much as Handel's. (This was a date night, so we indulged in a treat. Also, third trimester. It's a thing.) 


Per usual, we spent the evening walking around this district, checking out what was new since the last time we were there. It's amazing how quickly things can change and grow when you move away!


Ice cream date nights are a great way to enjoy a little bit of a treat while still spending less than $10. We just had a great time getting a little bit dressed up, and walking and talking together. We both have big dreams for the future, and it's inspiring to explore a place that has turned from nothing to something in such a short time. Someone had a dream that no one else could see, and acted on it, to make this small Indiana suburb something truly spectacular. That's life inspo right there, y'all. 
